Saturday, November 27, 2004

I was just wondering...

Why is it that Christianity nowadays seemed to be so different from the one ages before? One can look no further to contrast and to notice the difference.

We live in an age of instant coffee and fast food chains that has sadly come up with a form of born-again quick Christianity. We care more about decisions for Christ rather training disciples of Christ. Our meetings are characterized by the cute but pathetic programs of men rather than the raw but essential power of God. Everyone's concern seem to be their own glamour and not God's glory.

Where are those whose lives compel the rest of the crowd to say in their hearts, "We, too, want to know their God"?
Where is the power of God permeating our churches causing signs, wonders and miracles in the midst of those who badly need it?

Where are the prophets in our pulpits who give the word of the Lord as they heard it from Him - caring not even if those very words challenge the status quo and make a whole lot of people uncomfortable?

Are there no more John the Baptists, Charles Finneys and John Wesleys today but only evangelists-turned-salesemen and motivational self-help teachers behind our pulpits?

Are there no more preachings that so grip and so convict people of their pet sins - thus leading them into repentance but simply "seven steps to a better this and that" sermonettes that only makes us feel ever better about ourselves without God?

Lord, we repent for the mess we have wallowed in! We repent for deliberately choosing the things of this world over the awesome privilege of knowing you. We stand in awe of your magnificent deeds in the past. We read them in your Word and hear them spoken to us Sunday through Sunday, but something deep within us yearn for something more. We have to experience them!

In our hearts, we long for you to captivate us by your beauty again, and be mesmerized by your blazing eyes of fire! Transform us from mere pew warmers into an unstoppable prophetic people that will live to see their destinies and callings fulfilled in this time.

We languish for a visitation once again that the love we have for you - now growing cold due to the lust and cares of this world, will once again ablaze into one that is passionate and unrelenting!

Jesus! Remove the side-issues that so easily distract us. Turn the tables in the market places of our selfish hearts and transform them into altars of prayer for the nations!

All these - for the greater glory of Your Name!

Amen and amen.


Friday, November 26, 2004


I am sure there was a commotion in the heavenly realms when we met. Satan and his hordes must have been worried on the impact our meeting will have. And so, he devised a plan to ruin it.

Think about the way we met. It was divine appointment. I know it has it rough edges, but who would have thought it was really you?

But oh, I made a fool of myself by sinking down to the miry depths. I acted too selfishly when I was supposed to be selfless... indulged with my flesh when I was supposed to have it crucified... considered what I could get out of it instead of what I could have given.

Now, everything is screwed up. What was supposed to be a wonderful relationship became a dreaded one. I can only sigh in regret.

My heart aches to how stupid I have been. Yet crying over spilt milk will not change anything of the past. And so, I pray. On my knees, hands lifted up, my eyes gushing with tears, heart bursting even more - I prayed.

...that He who majors in turning an adulterer into a man after God's own heart will intervene and create a worshipper out of our stubborn hearts...

...that He who chooses to step in when other people would rather back out, will comfort us of his presence - giving assurance of forgiveness with the condition of true repentance...

...that He who transforms people by giving them new names, while the rest could only gossip, comment and judge, will wrestle with us - in the dark night of our souls leaving us limping for life, but with a new destiny associated to it.

I could only hope now, that things will work out for the good. I believe though, that everything still works out that way if our hearts beat for Someone who showed what it is to be a true friend, in the first place. And although it seemed impossible with finite minds and blinded eyes to see beyond the present circumstances now, I trust the heart of God who desires nothing but the best, and who freely gives anything and everything as long as it won't cause injury to our souls.

My desire is for you to fulfill your destiny. No more, no less. You know for a fact those prophetic words spoken over you when godly men laid their hands on you. Always remember those. Guard them with all your heart. Consider them sacred over anything else.

Oh, that you won't trade the treasures in store for you in eternity for some loose change in this lifetime!

Choose God's call over your life above the subtle voices luring you for anything less!

Know in your heart of hearts that just because you are under attack now, doesn't mean you are worthless. The opposite is true. Satan attacks you now, not because you are too weak, but because he is scared to wait - and wake up one day with you too strong for him to handle.

I commit to stand in the gap for you. To intercede for your healing. To utter a prayer for you when you can't - or even won't. To prophesy and speak your destiny into reality, even if the present circumstances depict otherwise.

At the moment, I surrender to God my all in all. I lay in the altar everything. For without the sacrifice, there can be no fire.

While everything seemed absurd, I choose to trust the Heart who knows my yesterdays and tomorrows at once. I believe if I release you and hold on to Him, somehow I will gain more. And it will only be thru that process that along the way, you will find your way back to Him too.

See you in the frontlines.

I will wait.


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