Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Grace by Installment

If we are saved by grace alone, then why do most Christians live as if they are paying for their salvation by installments?

I think we need to realize that the result of both the evil and good of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is death. The good part is still as deadly as the evil. We need to partake of the fruit from the Tree of Life for us to truly live.

And we can only do so by grace. Meaning, it's undeserved. Nothing bad we did can disqualify us from it; nothing good we can ever accomplish can qualify for it either.

I guess it's about time we truly serve God and not just our guilty conscience.


Monday, December 17, 2007

Battle Cry

If we Christians would love homosexuals MORE than the homosexuals love their homosexuality, then something WILL definitely happen. Our task is never to hate, discriminate or judge. Our job is simply to reflect the Love of God. A love that gives sinners a hard time going to hell. And in the process, be totally changed by Love Incarnate Himself.


Friday, December 14, 2007

On Dying and Death

The very moment I realized that the highest of all callings is to die for Christ, my life was changed.

That split second when it dawned on me that I was born to be a martyr for Jesus liberated me from all the man-pleasing hypocrisy that gripped me for so long.

In a time when you can be Christian and popular, it is tempting and so very easy to confess Christ for all the wrong reasons. But when we go back to the New Testament and relive the lives of those who died for the sake of the gospel, we feel ashamed for having the gall of calling ourselves followers of Christ.

Believing in Jesus meant that they not only carry their crosses. Sadly, in our time today even that fact is hardly believed much less obeyed. Confessing Christ meant sealing your fate then. It meant dying a death towards sin and the flesh that being fed to the lions as a result of that faith meant nothing at all. They can stand with a glorious resolve as they were stoned to death or burned in stakes, and sincerely forgive their aggressors.

Reading the Bible, it gave me the impression that Christ made it difficult for people to enter, but very easy to leave. He was adamant to giving up anything that comes in the way of serving Him, but never really stopped people from leaving Him when difficult times came. I was wondering why have we twisted it today by preaching a "just add hot water" quick Christianity and making it difficult for people to leave when they want to.

I realize that in a few weeks time, the world will celebrate Christmas. Many people would call it weird to post on death on such a season as this.

But make no mistake. Christ's sole purpose on why He came is that He might die to save us from the fires of a real hell, and for the most part, from ourselves as well.

May we think on these things as we celebrate Christmas. May we never forget the reason why He came. And in so doing, may we never be deceived into buying a Christianity that doesn't call us to death to self and even martyrdom - all for the Cause of Christ, that His name shall be known among all men.

Only by not losing sight of the Cross, can we truly say that we have placed Christ back into Christmas.

Other than that, we might as well just be celebrating April Fool's.


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