Quoting Arthur
I was reading through my old posts, and I came across a comment made by my friend Arthur.
I've read it several times but reading it again this time, I felt compelled to share it with you guys and add a few of my thoughts. I may have edited it, but it's only to put emphasis on the point I'm trying to get across...
"Before, I tried to be meek or gentle to other people thinking that I am a Christian and that I should be careful that I might cause them to stumble. But that shouldn't be the case. God wanted us to be achievers, leaders, role models... And we can't achieve this without being made known or with meekness and gentleness. We have to show the people around us how blessed and proud we are with God on our side by using our God-given gifts and talents, influences (in a positive way)..our whole being. But of course, bearing in mind the love for other people, not to hurt them during the process."
I think our problem is deeply rooted with our confusion on what meekness really is. Most of the time, what we consider as humility is really fear. Fear of what other people might think if we do something taboo or if we don't do something that was expected.
All in all, these pseudo humility at its best is still pride. Why? It's simply because I can't find another word to call a person who wouldn't believe God at His Word as if he's wiser than Wisdom himself, than proud.
God determines who we are, not who our peers deem us to be. And definitely not who we think we are.
It's interesting to read from Numbers 12:3 and realize that "Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth." But it becomes a bit weird when we realize that Moses was actually the guy who wrote the Pentateuch. Isn't that uhm, pride?
But really, once we realize that true humility is not shrinking back in fear that we might step on other's toes, that passage won't make such a fuss at all.
We are who God says we are.
Anything else is a fraud. If we believe anything else, we are insulting God to His face.
No wonder He doesn't show up when we throw our pity parties.
couldn't agree more. whatever we were born to become, we have to be. i remember the lesson our teacher taught us on "praying unceasingly." it has nothing to do with staying inside all day and night praying. our lives are our prayers. yup, we all are literally living our prayers everyday, so we need to choose the 'best' harvest we can offer.
this psuedo humility / false humility is so dangerous! its what held me back for so long. It was a big wall from letting God in. I had pride in many layers, and this was just one of them.
Its a revelation we all need.
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