Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Grace by Installment

If we are saved by grace alone, then why do most Christians live as if they are paying for their salvation by installments?

I think we need to realize that the result of both the evil and good of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is death. The good part is still as deadly as the evil. We need to partake of the fruit from the Tree of Life for us to truly live.

And we can only do so by grace. Meaning, it's undeserved. Nothing bad we did can disqualify us from it; nothing good we can ever accomplish can qualify for it either.

I guess it's about time we truly serve God and not just our guilty conscience.


Monday, December 17, 2007

Battle Cry

If we Christians would love homosexuals MORE than the homosexuals love their homosexuality, then something WILL definitely happen. Our task is never to hate, discriminate or judge. Our job is simply to reflect the Love of God. A love that gives sinners a hard time going to hell. And in the process, be totally changed by Love Incarnate Himself.


Friday, December 14, 2007

On Dying and Death

The very moment I realized that the highest of all callings is to die for Christ, my life was changed.

That split second when it dawned on me that I was born to be a martyr for Jesus liberated me from all the man-pleasing hypocrisy that gripped me for so long.

In a time when you can be Christian and popular, it is tempting and so very easy to confess Christ for all the wrong reasons. But when we go back to the New Testament and relive the lives of those who died for the sake of the gospel, we feel ashamed for having the gall of calling ourselves followers of Christ.

Believing in Jesus meant that they not only carry their crosses. Sadly, in our time today even that fact is hardly believed much less obeyed. Confessing Christ meant sealing your fate then. It meant dying a death towards sin and the flesh that being fed to the lions as a result of that faith meant nothing at all. They can stand with a glorious resolve as they were stoned to death or burned in stakes, and sincerely forgive their aggressors.

Reading the Bible, it gave me the impression that Christ made it difficult for people to enter, but very easy to leave. He was adamant to giving up anything that comes in the way of serving Him, but never really stopped people from leaving Him when difficult times came. I was wondering why have we twisted it today by preaching a "just add hot water" quick Christianity and making it difficult for people to leave when they want to.

I realize that in a few weeks time, the world will celebrate Christmas. Many people would call it weird to post on death on such a season as this.

But make no mistake. Christ's sole purpose on why He came is that He might die to save us from the fires of a real hell, and for the most part, from ourselves as well.

May we think on these things as we celebrate Christmas. May we never forget the reason why He came. And in so doing, may we never be deceived into buying a Christianity that doesn't call us to death to self and even martyrdom - all for the Cause of Christ, that His name shall be known among all men.

Only by not losing sight of the Cross, can we truly say that we have placed Christ back into Christmas.

Other than that, we might as well just be celebrating April Fool's.


Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Freedom We Know

We’re gonna dance dance dance
In the freedom we know
We’re gonna dance dance dance
In the freedom we know
We’re gonna dance dance dance
In the freedom we know
Because the freedom we know is gonna last forever!
~The Freedom We Know (from Hillsongs Mighty to Save)

Claiming complete healing for my body, deliverance for my spirit and refreshing for my soul, I sang this song and danced knowing in my heart of hearts, that He who is with me is greater than those against me.

It’s really a prophetic declaration – the dance. In the Old Testament, the dance is not done just for the heck of it; it is warfare. It is fighting the battle in the spirit realm even though in the natural, things seem without hope.

I remember when I was still in junior high school we had this prayer retreat in the outskirts of the city. In one of the nights, a classmate of ours began manifesting overt demonic oppression. Clueless on what to do, we asked our principal how we can help. She only said praise and worship. And that we did!

War is what the enemy started, and war he surely got! And to the victor, belongs all the spoils of the war!

We were dancing, singing and lifting up our hands till the wee hours of the morning. Not only our classmate was set free from the demonic forces that oppressed her, we were set free from the religious spirit as well. No more being contented with just pew-warming. It's about time we stand our ground and fight!

Not only did she receive her freedom, we were released into a different level of expressing our worship and praise unto our God.

So the next time the enemy comes and threatens of a war, stand up and lift up your hands. For the victory is ours, and the battle is the Lord's.

And realize that we dance not for ourselves but for those who can’t. We sing for those who have no song. We intercede for those whose hope seemed gone.

Let the Warrior-Bride arise!


Friday, November 23, 2007

Lessons from the Sickbed

Stripped of blinders from my eyes, I saw life unfold as it is: simple and yet full of God’s glory.

Lying on a sickbed yet again has its way of clearing my own vision. Little things like burping and farting mean a whole lot, it made me audibly thank God for such neglected blessings. When you are lying there, stomach all bloated barely being able to eat and consequently not being able to heed nature’s call, I tell you – you will do the exact same thing.

It is funny how I deliberately chose to skip church recently due to my tight schedule at work, and as I found myself lying there, I was caused to watch several Sunday’s worth of sermon on Daystar. No doubt God is challenging me how poor my time management was, and how totally idolatrous my priorities were.

If pain is God’s loudspeaker, then His message couldn’t be any clearer. Though we live in the new covenant, we still have to heed his command to “remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.” If He being God rested on the seventh day, surely we need a day of rest as well.

Besides, as Christians, we operate not in the same way the world economy does. My source of income is not my job. My Source is God Himself.

Money comes as a result of my obedience to the Owner of the cattle of a thousand hills, not from unhealthy overtimes till daybreak or till the Lord’s Day.

People perish for lack of knowledge. I have to go through this horrible week because I chose not to listen. Other versions of the Bible would say that without vision, people perish. And what is true with nations, is also true with individuals.

It is for this reason that we have to hear from the Lord. From there, as the Lord gives the vision, we must pursue it with all our hearts. As we follow the vision, provision simply follows.

Nobody wins in this world’s rat race. In pursuit of the “good life,” people end up with broken relationships, poor health, and ungodly lives.

Indeed, what benefit is it for a man, to gain the whole world, yet lose his own soul?


Sunday, September 30, 2007


I don’t understand your ways.
I don’t understand why I need to go through these.
I don’t just get it why such emotional rubbish should torment me day in and out.

Why this kind of pain, this kind of thorn?
Why of billions, me?
Ah, everything in my life now is totally beyond me.

One moment, I seem wise as a sage
Foolish on another, in as quick as half a heartbeat.
And yet I am audacious enough to call myself your son.

Oh have I made every effort to escape
From what seemed to be walls to imprison
When, really, are there to protect me.

My eyes are full of shame
My heart, guilty
My body, tired.

Over and over I promised
Not to hurt you, no never again
Yet at the sight of a brother
I falter, and forget my convictions altogether.

I hate the very thought of you knowing
I’m going through this and yet not lifting a finger
I hate it when at the sound of your voice
You created everything into existence
And yet you can’t even remove this thing
That has plagued me for so long.

Haven’t I cried enough?
Begged enough, fasted enough
Prayed enough, bled enough
Shouted enough, suffered enough?

How I wish I could hurt you
The same way you’ve caused me pain.
How I wish, oh, that you would know a portion of my pain
And that is enough.

At times, I rebel to deliberately hurt you
But only to realize I hurt myself more.
The world doesn’t want me
Doesn’t love me
Doesn’t care for me
Doesn’t give a hoot about me
Like it so deceptively declare.

And so I keep running back, though ashamed
To your arms and weep some more.
Your nail pierced arms are always ready
To embrace the prodigal that is me.

And once again, declare with the rest
Where else shall I go when you have the words of eternal life?

It’s no longer a cutesy thing to say; It’s true.

I’ve got nothing, no one.
But you, only you, my Jesus.


Saturday, August 4, 2007

Quoting Arthur

I was reading through my old posts, and I came across a comment made by my friend Arthur.

I've read it several times but reading it again this time, I felt compelled to share it with you guys and add a few of my thoughts. I may have edited it, but it's only to put emphasis on the point I'm trying to get across...

"Before, I tried to be meek or gentle to other people thinking that I am a Christian and that I should be careful that I might cause them to stumble. But that shouldn't be the case. God wanted us to be achievers, leaders, role models... And we can't achieve this without being made known or with meekness and gentleness. We have to show the people around us how blessed and proud we are with God on our side by using our God-given gifts and talents, influences (in a positive way)..our whole being. But of course, bearing in mind the love for other people, not to hurt them during the process."

I think our problem is deeply rooted with our confusion on what meekness really is. Most of the time, what we consider as humility is really fear. Fear of what other people might think if we do something taboo or if we don't do something that was expected.

All in all, these pseudo humility at its best is still pride. Why? It's simply because I can't find another word to call a person who wouldn't believe God at His Word as if he's wiser than Wisdom himself, than proud.

God determines who we are, not who our peers deem us to be. And definitely not who we think we are.

It's interesting to read from Numbers 12:3 and realize that "Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth." But it becomes a bit weird when we realize that Moses was actually the guy who wrote the Pentateuch. Isn't that uhm, pride?

But really, once we realize that true humility is not shrinking back in fear that we might step on other's toes, that passage won't make such a fuss at all.

We are who God says we are.

Anything else is a fraud. If we believe anything else, we are insulting God to His face.

No wonder He doesn't show up when we throw our pity parties.


Sunday, June 24, 2007

Practical Christianity

I just came from a great talk over dinner with a friend from the dorm.

It was great because it wasn’t planned at all. He asked me if I wanted to go to church with him, I said yes. Not really because I felt pious at the moment, but because I can’t stand the foul odor coming from our neighbor’s piggery.

So there I was, feeling a bit awkward in a Catholic Mass, but it turned out pretty ok. I was blest at the homily of the priest and I’m touched when everyone went on to say peace at each other. I was thrilled when I imagined it happening in my own church.

We had dinner at Mang Inasal at Jaro after, and we talked for two hours or maybe more of topics from all aspects in life.

He shared about his own journey so far in life. He talked about his family. And I was amazed at his candor.

I think what surprised me the most was when he mentioned about having a personal encounter with the Jesus. It’s one thing to hear that from people from my church, but I think it’s quite another to hear it from someone like Jeff.

You know, sometimes, we have become so accustomed with church lingo and clichés that such words, though they sound religious, are actually void of meaning. It’s sad, but it’s definitely true.

So imagine my delight when I heard him speaking those very words. I’m sure those were pure words, unadulterated of the prevalent empty religiosity that plagues the Church today.

I couldn’t explain just how refreshed I am. I certainly needed those words of encouragement and insight now, especially in this crucial time for me.

I believe with all my heart that my friend’s gonna go places someday. I found in him a Christianity so authentic I’m shy when I look at my own.

All the while he might be thinking he learned a lot from the two cents worth of advice I gave him. But little does he know, I got more insight from him more than he probably did from me.

Our talk was anchored on one conclusion. Before we went home, we both acknowledge beyond a shadow of a doubt that God’s love and provision always gets us through. And that is in spite of who we are or what we’ve done.



Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Born for Another World

"Creatures are not born with desires unless satisfaction for those desires exists.

A baby feels hunger: well, there is such a thing as food. A duckling wants to swim: well, there is such a thing as water. Men feel sexual desire: well, there is such a thing as sex.

If I find myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. If none of my earthly pleasures satisfy it, that does not prove that the universe is a fraud. Probably earthly pleasures were never meant to satisfy it, but only arouse it, to suggest the real thing."

~CS Lewis from Mere Christianity


Thursday, April 19, 2007


My problem is not that I have become evil beyond measure. My problem is that my heart is not whole. My desires are an odd mix of conflicting secret yearnings.

No wonder my efforts are futile, my prayers fruitless, my heart lukewarm.

I realized that while I was praying for God to use me mightily in His kingdom, I secretly wish the devil will come up with some extraordinary offer so tempting and so worth giving up this whole fuss on living a holy life.

And more often than never, that old deceiver really has something in his sleeves. So I’ll find myself heading towards the mud once again to take advantage of an offer I can’t refuse.

Now there goes my huge dilemma.

I need my heart to be whole. I need a heart whose desires are reduced into one, whose audience is only One.

I need an all out surrender to His Will with no backup plans in mind.

Hence, it’s gotta be all or nothing. Anything less, won’t surely cut it through.


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