Friday, November 23, 2007

Lessons from the Sickbed

Stripped of blinders from my eyes, I saw life unfold as it is: simple and yet full of God’s glory.

Lying on a sickbed yet again has its way of clearing my own vision. Little things like burping and farting mean a whole lot, it made me audibly thank God for such neglected blessings. When you are lying there, stomach all bloated barely being able to eat and consequently not being able to heed nature’s call, I tell you – you will do the exact same thing.

It is funny how I deliberately chose to skip church recently due to my tight schedule at work, and as I found myself lying there, I was caused to watch several Sunday’s worth of sermon on Daystar. No doubt God is challenging me how poor my time management was, and how totally idolatrous my priorities were.

If pain is God’s loudspeaker, then His message couldn’t be any clearer. Though we live in the new covenant, we still have to heed his command to “remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.” If He being God rested on the seventh day, surely we need a day of rest as well.

Besides, as Christians, we operate not in the same way the world economy does. My source of income is not my job. My Source is God Himself.

Money comes as a result of my obedience to the Owner of the cattle of a thousand hills, not from unhealthy overtimes till daybreak or till the Lord’s Day.

People perish for lack of knowledge. I have to go through this horrible week because I chose not to listen. Other versions of the Bible would say that without vision, people perish. And what is true with nations, is also true with individuals.

It is for this reason that we have to hear from the Lord. From there, as the Lord gives the vision, we must pursue it with all our hearts. As we follow the vision, provision simply follows.

Nobody wins in this world’s rat race. In pursuit of the “good life,” people end up with broken relationships, poor health, and ungodly lives.

Indeed, what benefit is it for a man, to gain the whole world, yet lose his own soul?


Liza's Eyeview November 23, 2007 at 8:00 AM  

Wise words James.

It's funny you mentioned farting as blessings. When I had my C-section operation when i gave birth to my kids, I needed to pass gas before I can eat after the operation (doctor's order) and that's when I realized that even that mundane, seems unnecessary par of life, is actually necessary.

praying you get better...

Arthur November 25, 2007 at 8:40 PM  

You are definitely back and well! :) Still praying for your fast recovery. God bless!

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