Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Butterfly Effect

At some point while reading this short but powerful book by Andy Andrews, I asked myself why the need to come up with a book with - how do I put this - only a few words in it.

I mean honestly, it's my first time excluding kindergarten to read a book with a sentence or two only on every page!

Then, I realized that maybe, just maybe, the author is trying to stress something extremely important. Something he wants to cut across without fail.

The first time I read it, it took me less than 5 minutes. The second time, it took me days. Until now, my mind is stuck in a few of the pages, in its inspiring stories, in its challenging quotes.

Over all, I guess what I am simply saying is, that until now my mind still can't grasp the fact that whatever we do now - no matter how small or insignificant they may be - really have an impact in this world beyond our minds could ever comprehend.

Now that's amazing.


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