Sunday, August 17, 2008


I was in Bacolod last Friday so I decided to check out the youth meeting at Ikthus. Since I started being a part of the worship team here in Iloilo, I've met really amazing people. Amazing for two reasons: young as they are, they are really gifted with the instruments they use and two, their passion for God is challenging!

Little did I know that I was in for a surprise. After being met by Timi outside, she began to introduce me to a whole lot of people -some faces I already am familiar with.

Just before worship started, I was totally floored. The room was almost packed and I was left wondering, "Where in the world did they get so many kids?"

To top it all off, I was introduced by Timi to my nephews and one niece. I can't even remember what their names were, but I was thrilled.

You see, years and years back, I have this thing against my dad's family and relatives. I don't know. It's just not like the kind of relationship I share with my cousins in my mom's side. And seeing my own cousins from my dad's side doing all those stupid things when I was younger fueled my distaste.

Then out of nowhere, God began to work in my life in such a powerful way. He began to introduce Himself as Someone totally different from the box I placed Him in. My mom taught I was actually demon-possessed when my "quiet times" changed into something not really all that quiet. I would lock myself in my room, turn on a prayer CD by Lou Engle and pray. And in those times, I remember I cried out to God to spare our family from the "curse" running through the Muyco Clan.

You heard when people say that God always answer prayer? Don't believe them. God doesn't really answer our prayers.; He over answers them.

We ask for a loaf of bread, He throws a party. You ask for the skill to play the guitar, He makes you lead worship before hundreds. I asked for Him to protect our little family from the lures of the world, He moved into the lives of my cousins that their offspring - my nephews - will serve God in ways beyond what I could even comprehend.

It was a holy moment, I tell you.

It was sheer grace on His part that we were all there. And it will be grace that will keep us pressing on until we wake up to the day when we have lived out our destinies effortlessly.


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