Saturday, August 23, 2008


So really. Who decides on what is good or not?

Have you noticed that each one of us has his own definition of what is good or bad? That no matter how you belong to one church with a given set of beliefs you still disagree on the minute details? That much of the misery and disappointment in life roots back into the thought that God allowed bad things to happen and therefore He is not good after all?

Or an argument to that effect.

I used to think as I read "Do not judge" in the Scriptures that it only applies well, other people. We all hold that popular interpretation I guess. But now, I see it differently.

Usually we define good as something that brings happiness or pleasure. Or something that doesn't take us out of our comfort zones. Bad, on the other hand, are those that give us pain, causes our hearts to ache.

Evidently, we judge in our private lives. And with our judgements we wreck havoc to other peoples lives.

I think it is comforting to note that Bad is not an absolute negative equivalent of Good. It exists at the lack of good.

Only Goodness is Absolute. And that Absolute is Jesus.

Apart from him, all things fall out of order. But in Him, all things hold together.

Yes, even Christian Denominations at that.


The Recreation Corner August 24, 2008 at 9:50 AM  

Hey... such a coincidence as I am writing on this topic for my next blog entry. Cool... =)

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