Sunday, September 13, 2009


I wept.

Watching the three short clips on "The Forgotten People" by CNN so gripped me, knocked me helpless that I am left with nothing to do but weep.

Here I was worrying when the next big sale in the mall will be, and there they were beaten by Thai military, disowned by their own government and unaccepted by their neighbors.

You know why it hurted so much? Because from each of their eyes I could see Jesus - who was left to die a criminal's death, beaten over and over, rejected by His own people. But this isn't some 2,000 years ago.

This is 2009.

But what are we doing? What is the church doing?

Here we are so busy with keeping up with the world, debating who's got the purest doctrine, competing who's got the best worship team, subtly battling who's got the biggest Sunday attendance.

Here we are busy beating up people with laws and more laws ignoring the fact that we if we got saved by grace, we continue to live by grace.

Here we are occupied with popularity and addicted with people's praise.

Here we are caught up with church splits and quarrels forgetting that out there, maybe not even too far away, people are dying. Literally.

And so they die into an eternity darker than the ones they experienced here because we've become too concerned with lesser things than the One Thing.

Oh may God comfort the troubled and trouble the comfortable!


Jason Bruce September 22, 2009 at 7:14 AM  

Good thoughts James. God bless.

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